It is critical that all students arrive at school on time each day. Classes start promptly at 8:05am with instruction beginning immediately after the bell rings. Your student is tardy at 8:06am. If your student arrives after 8:10am, they will need to report to the office to get a tardy slip before heading to the classroom.
Reporting Your Child’s Absence
If your child is not able to attend school, please either call or email the school office within 3 school days. Please keep your child home if he/she has a temperature, has vomited during the night or morning, has a rash, or has contracted a communicable disease. If your child is sent home from school with a contagious illness, check with your doctor and the school office for the exclusion period and requirements for returning to school.
Attendance Hotline:
925-682-8000 ext. 7050
When calling the attendance hotline, leave the student’s name, spelling of the last name, dates of the absences, reason for absence, teacher name, your name and relationship to the student. Please include all information in your email as well.
Your child’s absence will be considered “excused” if their absence is due to:
- Illness, doctor, dentist appointment, funeral of immediate family member, holiday or ceremony of student’s religion.
After 3 school days, if the absence is not excused, the attendance record cannot be changed
Students Arriving Late at School/ Reporting Tardies
We understand how difficult it is to get up and ready each day, but please make every attempt to have your student arrive on time to school. It is in their best interest to be present at the start of each school day.
If your child arrives after the 8:05 am start time, they can go directly to the classroom. Teachers will mark them tardy until 8:10 am. Students arriving after 8:10 am, must have an adult walk them into the office to get a tardy slip before going to class.
Excessive tardies are tracked and addressed by both the teacher and principal, and a SART (Student Attendance Review Team) meeting may be scheduled to address pervasive late arrivals. If tardies continue, the school will notify the school district and you will be notified to attend a SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) meeting to discuss the issue.
Independent Study
In the case of pre-planned absences that will cause your student to miss five consecutive school days or more, Independent Study Contracts are strongly encouraged. Completion of the contract eliminates the unexcused absences.
Contact the office for approval at least 2 weeks prior to the absence to determine if an Independent Study Contract is appropriate for your situation.