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PHE uses ParentSquare for communication to the community and parent/guardians. Newsletters and reminders are sent out through ParentSquare, so setting up your account is essential to stay informed. Please see below for more information about setting up your ParentSquare account, as well as for past Newsletters. 

Adjust Notification Settings:
ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications based on notification type and select their preferred delivery method. Notification types include:

● Emergency & Student Notices (cannot be disabled)
● School Alerts
● General Announcements & Messages

For General Announcements, you can also select if you would like to receive instant or digest email, app and text notifications. If the digest is chosen, then you’ll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification every day in the evening with all posts from that day.

Update Notification Preferences (Web Portal)

  • 1. On your home page at select the down arrow next to your name (upper right corner of the screen) and click on 'My Account'.
  • 2. Select "Customize your settings" under Notification Settings.
  • 3. Select your preferred settings by clicking on the pencil icon next to each notification type and click "Save" in the pop-up dialog. 


The Dino Newsletter


Past Years